Veteranbåtsföreningen presenterar den ultimata biografin om ikonen Tore Holm

Efterfrågad av en internationell publik är den skriven på engelska


Tore Holm – yacht designer, boatbuilder & sailor

Tore Holm’s career as a yacht designer, boatbuilder and sailor has earned him a place in the annals of sailing history. Rising to fame in the dynamic times of the first half of the 20th century, he was at the front line when the sport of modern sailing developed and matured. Tore Holm (1896-1977) was born in the Swedish coastal town of Gamleby. Imbued with sailboats in his father’s yacht yard, young Tore soon became its in-house designer. He acquired a university-level education and quickly built a name for his fast sailboats.
Sailing yachts of his own design he was, among numerous other international events, awarded five Olympic medals, more than any other Swedish sailor ever. For decades Tore Holm was head of the family boatyard, making Gamleby a household name for sailors around the world.
Tore Holm was down-to-earth and unassuming, with a serious attitude toward sailing. In this extensive biography author Tapani Koskela follows Holm’s path as he works his way up to the highest echelons of Swedish and international yacht design and competitive racing. When harder times fell on the traditional wooden boat builders, Tore adapted to a changing world without sacrificing his love in developing better boats.
Tore Holm’s legacy is manifested in the many designs that are still sailing and racing, as well as those built with his plans in the 21st century. His memory as a sailor encourages current sportsmen to play fair and never give up.
This biography is published in two volumes. Where the first one delves into Tore Holm’s personal story, the second volume describes his career as a sailor as well as the cultural heritage he left behind for today’s sailing enthusiasts.


Om Holm-biografin

Finländske författaren Tapani Koskela har ägnat tjugo år åt att forska i Tore Holms liv och den omgivning som formade honom och hans gärning. Tapani, som själv seglar en Holm-ritad 6:a, har valt att skriva sin biografi på engelska för att nå också en internationell publik.
Utgivningen av I have won, I have lost är ett samarbete mellan författaren och Veteranbåtsföreningen, som svarat för produktionen.
I have won, I have lost utkommer i december 2021 och berättar om människan Tore Holm och hans innehållsrika liv.

Biografin kan köpas redan nu på

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